However you expected to feel about the game’s portrayal of gun culture, militias, and weaponized evangelism going in, though, you’ll probably come away let down by the game’s lack of follow-through on that promise. After a marketing campaign that leans on evangelical and militia imagery, players could be forgiven for expecting some smart political statements (or at least biting satire) from the game. The publisher may well have set unrealistic expectations for the game’s story, which features a villainous cult that clearly draws from the current and complex state of the political far right in the US. Links: Steam | Official website Far Cry 5 is a disappointment largely of Ubisoft’s own making.

Platform: Windows (reviewed), Xbox One, PS4 I already had alot of fun just traversing the genuinely beautiful world, which also were an exotic setting as someone not from the U.S, rounding every clearing outpost with some outdoor casual fishing or hunting wildlife with bow and arrow in a makeshift hunting simulator.Game details Developer: Ubisoft Montreal and Toronto If you treat the game as a general outdoor, chaotic Americana wildlife simulator, however, then I think you will have more fun the main story is frankly barebones, even more so than a regular Ubisoft open world-game due to having a silent protagonist, so you will encounter alot of villain monologuing vaguely without anything substantial to say despite its initial premise. The meter to fill up your reputation in each region is actually really generous to the point that people have modded their games so that activities fills the meter much slowly, as it can become an issue with the game's pacing through the scripted events if you view the game as a more narrative experience. After the villain in each region is defeated, you then go to their bunker and fight through the enemies there. The game is structured in that you complete various activities in a dedicated region that essentially fills your progression meter, that throughout various check points later forces you through a scripted sequence where the villains kidnaps you repeatedly.